Friday, May 1, 2009

She's Mobile

Off oxygen, off iv's, on portable monitors, She's Mobile. She had a bath and her hair washed, Ann is there to style it for her this afternoon. She is overall doing much, much better. She's been getting a few good nights sleep, well as good as you can get when your in icu and the nurses wake you up to draw blood, etc.

She just needs to get the rest of the infection out of her system and get the white blood count back down. She still has shortness of breath and can't go too far, but she can go!

Being off oxygen was for just awhile this afternoon. Tonight it is back on and they have started another iv anti-biotic. She had a busy day today.

All your prayers are working, keep it up. Jim


  1. Yeah Grandma!!! Thanks for keeping us posted Jim!!

  2. We're So Glad you're Feeling Better, Aunt Dorothy!!! I'll bet Ann will make you More Beautiful than ever!!! HELLO ANN & KELLY!!! Our Family has been keeping Dad & Mom updated on your progress. Saw that Mom sent you a Comment. We've also been praying for you in Indiana. Take Care & Luv U Lots!!! ~Jayne~
    & P.S. Jim, Thanx so much for all the updates, you don't know how much this means to us!! Keep up the Great work~!!~
