Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday Dr. Morar visit

Pat, Bob, Becky and I met with Mom's oncologist Dr. Morar this morning. We discussed the biopsy results and she explained some of what is going on with the cancer and the infection in the lung.

First let me correct some of the information from the last blog. I was out of town for the meeting with Dr. Hough (primary care MD) and Dr. Preohl (surgeon) so I'm not entirely clear on what they said, but Dr. Morar explained it a little differently. She said that the tumor hasn't really increased in size, but it is blocking circulation and air flow to the upper chamber of the lung. Also, it has blocked about 40% of the bronchial tube to the lower chamber. She would not commit that the tumor is totally necrotic, only that the biopsy samples they got were. She further disagreed that the lung would become necrotic. Without good samples they are unable to diagnose. No diagnosis equals no treatment as she would not know which drugs to use. They got a lot of samples during the biopsy, just no good ones. If they had known this, they would have had the pathologist present during the biopsy checking the samples til they got what he needed. The only way to know now is another biopsy, but were not sure she can withstand another.

The other problem is an infection mass in the upper lobe. This showed up on a CT scan Wednesday morning. It was not there, in it's present form, a week ago. She is not sure what it is, she only says that it is not cancer. She said it could even be a fungus pocket. We will need to discuss this further. Direct injections to this may be a possibility. Again, were not sure if she could withstand the procedure. Right now she needs to get some rest and get her strength back. The home health folks are going to stop by tomorrow to set up service for her. Have a good weekend, Jim

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jim. Tell Grandma that we said "Happy Mother's Day and we love & miss her!" Take care...
