Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome Home Mom!

Peg and I arrived in Dallas Weds night around 10:30 pm where Mom was waiting up at Chuck & Teri's house. It was so good to see her. She looked good for going through what she has, no surprise with all the good care she had gotten while she was there. We had a great Thurs and Friday in Dallas and took off for the trip home at 7:30 am Sat. We all had some concerns about how well Mom would make the trip, but I have to say she actually traveled 100% better than any of us thought.

We arrived last night at 11:00 pm and were all tired. We made frequent stops for gas, food and bathroom breaks. Half way we took a 2 hr break in Joplin Mo. to feed the local economy at the Downstream Casino. Mom was the only one to do 2 things there......get to try out her new wheels (wheelchair) and Win! Peg and I weren't so lucky.

Well, Mom's home and doing fine. She insist that she can take care of herself now and I believe she can for the most part. She won't get away with that totally as everyone is ready to give her a hand with anything she needs. She just needs lots of rest still so lets give her plenty of space.

I'll say on behalf of the entire family Thank You to all the Dallas crew for the care you've given Mom. We will never forget it.


  1. Mom's a winner weather she takes home money from the casion or not. I would like to extend a second thank you to the Dallas crew for taking such good care of Mom. Thanks guys.


  2. Hello to ALL of the Family of Aunt Dorothy!!! I'm so Excited about this Blog!!! I'm sure with the help of my Family, we'll keep my Dad & Mom informed about what's going on with Aunt Dorothy!!! I know where ever she is, Texas or Illinois, she's in GREAT HANDS!! Our Prayers will keep going along with all our Love!! And all I can say for Aunt Dorothy @ the Casino, IS: "YOU GO GIRL"!!!!! Luv U ALL, ~Jayne~

  3. I'm so happy you made it home safe!!!!
    We will keep Aunt Dorothy in our prayers..
    I went to Bible Study tonight and we all have her in our prayers...
    Thanks for this blog...

  4. kudos to the Dallas branch of the family ...

  5. i 2nd bob and evy!! i also say thank you mom and jim for going and getting her!! love you all! :)

  6. We 3rd that motion!!! Can't wait to see everyone at Easter!!

  7. Chuck and Teri, ya know I loves ya, and ya got to know I think you have done a wonderful job of taking care of Mom. My hat is off to you both. Jim and Peg, thank you both for the long trip down to Texas to pick up Mom. I sure hope it wasn't to much of a bother to have to stop at those casinos on the way there and back, I know what a pain they can be. Mom, I am happy you are home, we all do better in our own homes. I personally can't wait to get down there, if for no other reason than to give you a great big ole hug! Then I am going to cook for you while I am there, ya sure ya don't wanna go back to Texas??

    Love you all,

  8. Angela, Critter, & MadisonMarch 31, 2009 at 11:36 AM

    I'm glad that you got her back safe! And Jim, you didn't get "welcomed into OK" again did ya? ha ha! Seriously, Thanks for making the fast trip down with Peg to take her back. We all appreciate it! It was sad to see her go, but I know she loves being back in her own bed! Anyway, we know that the "Northern Crew" will take excellent care of Grandma up there!

    And Becky, if Grandma doesn't want you to cook for her, you can come on down here and cook for us! :)

    Take care...
